South Sudan

Outfitting of AfDB’s country office in Juba, South Sudan (COSS)

Date:June 2024 – ongoing

Client: African Development Bank

Main objective of the assignment is to prepare relevant architectural and engineering designs for the outfitting of the new AfDB’ South Sudan Country Office premises, followed by the supervision of the construction works. Design including mechanical, HVAC, electrical, IT, plumbing, Access control/CCTV, Safety and fire protection systems.



Slope restoration and new panoramic terrace on the Orcia River

Date: 2022 – ongoing

Client: Alpin Geologie on behalf of RFI Rete Ferroviaria Italiana S.p.a.

Assistance to the Executive Design of the safety works of the escarpment in the section below the current panoramic terrace and construction of a new platform and panoramic terrace overlooking the Orcia River. Interventions connected with the operation of historical trains on the Monte Antico-Asciano line at Castelnuovo dell’Abate.


Outfitting of AfDB’s country office in Lilongwe, Malawi (COMW)

Date: 2022 – ongoing

Client: African Development Bank

Main objective of the assignment is to prepare relevant architectural and engineering designs for the outfitting of the new AfDB’ Malawi Country Office premises, followed by the supervision of the construction works. Design including mechanical, HVAC, electrical, IT, plumbing, Access control/CCTV, Safety and fire protection systems.


Apartment building refurbishement in Rome

Date : 2020 – on going

Client : private

Feasibility study, design proposal and construction supervision for energy requalification and refurbishment interventions on an existing apartment building in Rome in compliance with the requirements to access financial government tax (Eco-Bonus).

Activities include : site surveys, energy efficency modelling, architectural design, team coordination, procurement works, construction supervision, accounting.


Primary school / Tesimo

Date : 2020

Client : city of Tesimo

Design competition for the extension of the school of Tesimo.

RD Congo

Airport of Kavumu, Bukavu – Feasability study

Date: 2019

Client: Cellule Infrastructure Gov. RDC

Fund IDA / WB

Assistance to the design development (sub-consultancy service) for the feasability study for the upgrading of the airport of Kavumu. Project included in the “Projet de facilitation du commerce dans la région des grands lacs”on behalf of SIM srl.


Boladu Gardens Estate – Design proposal

Date: 2019

Client: private

Design proposal for the masterplan of an ecofarm on the Boladu river in Botswana.


Architectural Design Contest_ Scuole Innovative _MIUR – Arch. Philip Poduie in partnership with Arch. G. Savi and Arch. D. Pullino

Date: 2017

Client: Ministero dell’Istruzione, Università e Ricerca (IT)

Contest for a kindergarten in Savogna d’Isonzo

The project lot is a place to move from the town to the nature represented by the urban park. The school building represents on position and shapes a margin with orientation predominantly south – north – structures in XLAM.


Refurbishment of the Ministry of Public Works (MTPTC) and National Authorising Office (BON) in Port au Prince, Haiti – committment Arch. Philip Poduie on behalf of R.I. SpA (Lecce)

Date: 2015-2016

Client: R.I. Spa for BONFED Bureau De l’Ordonnateur National Du FED en République d’Haïti (BON)

Construction site manager for the re-construction project of the two ministerial office-buildings (MTPTC & BON ) demolished by 2010 earthquake in Port au Prince, Haiti

Project Manager on site representing the company R.I.Spa with Client, Supervision and Visa Control Mission (EGIS Batiment ). Responsible for the site Audit mission in July 2016 (Auditor: Cabinet Stephen Moore)

Construction works: MTPTC 4.6 Mil Euro + BON 2.6 Mil Euro


PROECCO (Promoting Climate Responsive Building Material Production and Off-farm Employment in the Great Lakes Region) – committment Arch. Philip Poduie on behalf of Skat Consulting Ltd. Swiss Resource Centre and Consultancies for Development

Date: 2014-2015

Client: PROECCO_ Development Cooperation Swiss-Rwanda

Editing of instruction manuals and procedures for the construction of ex-novo installations / enhancement and re-ignition of existing kilns; Instructions for making bricks and tiles bricks; Indications and development of prototype machinery for extrusion of clay and drafting of guidelines for the general improvement of the working conditions of employees throughout the production chain.

South Africa and Namibia

Project development and promotion for private and institutional clients – Arch. Philip Poduie in JV with Arch. Andy Horn_Eco Design Architects 

Year : 2014-2015

Client : Private / B.E. Township Development/ Namdeb Mining Company.

Proposal for an environmental reclamation initiative for brownfields along the Namibian coast through the development of a project that included regeneration through the cultivation of species with high economic-environmental value

Concept development for a garden + hanging skybar + exhibition space for the company “LiveRoof”  

Proposal for a new school complex in Langa, South Africa

Urban regeneration intervention proposal for the development of the Vukuhambe Association property in Gugulethu township, Cape Town. Social housing development with attached commercial premises.

-Redevelopment of HPCA offices in Cape Town: survey and design services for the proposed new layout and fit-out of the HPCA insurance company offices.


Country House – Poggio delle Piume / Orgiano (Vi)

Date: 2013

Client: Private

Proposal for a renovation of two farm buildings.


Mobile Hospital for Kuwait

Date: 2012

Client: Kuwait Min. of Health – Piaggio Shelters Spa (IT)

Detailed Design of operations mobile hospital (50 beds) on behalf of Ministry of Health.

The proposed hospital consists of 7 medical units in shelters (single volume, expandable in 3 volumes), 10 logistic and support units in mono-volume shelters, and 24 isolated rapid inflatable tents for emergency units and accomodations.

All health care operations are housed in air conditioned shelters, appropriately fitted out with the necessary medical equipment and furniture.


Demographic and Health Monitoring Centers for Migration and Health Conditions Flow Monitoring of Local Communities in Sahel Rural Areas

Date: 2014 – 2017

Client: Ministry of Interiors (IT)

Programme Development for cross-border centers in rural areas for the census and control of migratory flows as well as check up of health conditions among the populations through telemedicine system and development of primary and professional training programs – Project partners : CSC, RI, Almaviva, Eutelsat, IOM, Ministry of the Interiors.


Industrial Park “Polo della Meccatronica”, Rovereto – committment Eng. Lars Poduie on behalf of Ingegneri Patscheider & Partner Srl (IT)

Date: 2012-2013

Client: Ingegneri Patscheider & Partner srl (IT) on behalf of Collini Lavori SpA (IT)

Detailed Design and construction supervision of the storm water and waste water networks of the new industrial complex in Rovereto.

Cost of works: 20 Mil Euro


New hydrographic headquarter of Bolzano Province – committment Eng. Lars Poduie on behalf of Ingegneri Patscheider & Partner Srl (IT)

Date:  2012-2013

Client: Ingegneri Patscheider & Partner srl (IT) on behalf of Bolzano Province (IT)

Construction Supervision of the new building (4 floors, concrete and steel structures).

Construction works: 2.8 Mil Euro


Master Plan of Vicarello (Rome)

Date: 2009 – 2011

Client: Private Funding (UK)

Master Plan for the turistic-agricultural development of Vicarello (1.100 ha), including hotels, SPA, solar plant, restoration of the ancient lodges, agricultural farm refurbishment, yacht club.


Urban planing / Fès

Date : 2011

Client : Private

Proposal for the urban planing of the “Lotis Dunes”, in Fès.


Piano residenziale DZIRA / Sahara occidentale

Anno : 2010

Cliente : Privato

Proposal for a luxury housing development in the desert for Dzira city.


Galerie RE / Marrakech

Date : 2008

Client : Private

Measurements and layout.


Design Contest “La città dell’acqua e dello sport” (“The City of Water and Health”, Rome)

Date: 2007

Client: Ente EUR S.p.A. (IT)

Concept for a new sporting complex in the area of the old bike stadium of Rome, including swimming pools, fitness centre, school, hotels, restaurants and shopping malls. In association with Euroestudios SL, Arch. Bevivino & Partners, Team Promotion srl.

Construction costs: Euro 130 Mil


Army Camp of S.Vincenzo di Mattarello (TN) – Committment Eng. Lars Poduie on behalf of Bonifica SpA

Date: 2005

Client: Bonifica SpA on behalf of Ministry of Defence

Hydraulogical studies and Final Design of  hydraulic works of the new Army Camp of S.Vincenzo di Mattarello (TN).


Melut Base Camp

Date: 2004

Client: VECO Engineering Ltd (UK)

Feasibility Study, Detailed Design and Tender Documents for a Base Camp for the new oil pipeline Melut-Khartoum.


Kescekemet wholesale market

Date: 1997 – 2000

Client: Hiros Piac KFT – Private investors

Feasibility Study and Preliminary Design.

Construction costs: 10 Mil US$


Minsk wholesale market

Date: 1997 – 2000

Client: EBRD / Freshconsult

Technical assistance for management and design of W.S.M. in Minsk.

Construction costs: 30 Mil US$


Kiev wholesale Market Restructuring Project Management Assistance

Date: 1997 – 1999

Client: EBRD

associated consultants : Nethconsult ltd – Netherdand

Based on appraisal of EBRD the WSM of Kiev project studied from Ukraine Municipality directly but after EBRD requested CSC to reorganize all the management and refitting of the Project Study on private and public investment possible assumption for each Typology of WSM services Management Assistance for 2 Years of the WSM with the support in commercialization of the F&V  of some of the most important European WSM (Verona,Budapest,Prague,Treviso, AAlsemeer..).

Construction costs: 20 Mil US$


Istra Industrial Park

Date: 1995

Client: Interporto di Padova e Bologna (IT)

Preliminary Design of the Industrial Park of Istra (Moscow), including hotel and whoesale market area.

Construction costs: 30 Mil US$



Genova fruit and vegetable market

Date: 1995

Client:  C.C.I.A.A. Genova

Feasibility study with preparation of investment proposal for the Chamber of Commerce.

Construction costs: Euro 6 Mil


Rimini Agrifood Center

Date: 1995

Client:  C.C.I.A.A. Genova

Feasibility study for a project of about DM 50 million. Project includes F&V market, slaughterhouse, meat market, offices and service buildings.

Construction costs: Euro 35 Mil


Florence Fruit & Vegetable Market

Date: 1994-1995

Client:  Mercafir S.c.r.l. Florence

Feasibility study for upgrading and modernization of buildings and structures in order to increase capacity of the market.

Construction costs: Euro 5 Mil


Cassovia business park in Kosice

Date: 1994-1995

Client:  Private investors – Italian/Dutch group

Feasibility study of F. & V. market, meat market, offices and service buildings complete with intermodal road-rail cargo plane connection in Cassovia business park in Kosice.

Construction costs: Euro 100 Mil

Czech Republic

Agro-industrial Park of Prague

Date: 1994

Client: EBRD

Feasibility study including F. & V. market, meat market, offices and service buildings.

Construction costs: 30 Mil US$


Valona commercial harbour and interport

Date: 1993

Client: E.E.C. Private Group.

Feasibility project for Valona commercial harbour and interport, including F. & V. market, meat market, offices and service buildings.

Construction costs: 100 Mil Euro


Surgery Pavillion at Tirana Hospital

Date: 1992 – 1993

Client: Paterlini Costruzioni (IT) on behalf of Albanian Ministry of Health

Feasibility Study for Tirana hospital general nursery ward (350 beds, 8 surgery rooms).

Construction costs: 55 Mil Euro


Siena Agrifood Center

Date: 1993

Client:  Siena Municipality

Construction costs: Euro 10 Mil


Bologna Flower Market – Final Design

Date: 1993

Client:  C.A.A.B.

Construction costs: Euro 7,5 Mil


Torino fruit & vegetable Market

Date: 1993

Client:  Cogefarimpresit S.P.A.

Study for optimization of distribution lay-out.

Construction costs: Euro 7 Mil


Vignola fruit and vegetable market – Final Design

Date: 1992

Client:  Vignola Municipality

Construction costs: Euro 6 Mil


Fishery Harbour, Wholesale market and Interport for the town of Fethyie 

Date: 1992

Client:  Sider

Preliminary design.

Construction costs: Euro 17 Mil


Infrastructure works at Monterosi (Viterbo)

Date: 1992 – 1998

Client: Agricola Monterosi S.p.A. (IT)

Feasibility Study, Preliminary and Detailed Design, EIA, Supervision of Works of urbanization project “Monterosi”, including golf courts and residential houses over 140 ha. Primary infrastructures, sewage networks, wastewater treatment plant serving 2.000 inhab., restoration of hystorical buildings (XVIII century).

Construction costs: Euro 88 Mil


Multi – purpose telecommunications complex (Pisa)

Date: 1992

Client: SIP (IT)

Preliminary design and final design at Pisa, “La Figuretta” site. Office buildings and technological rooms for 88,000 m3 reinforced concrete radio bridge tower with equipment room, h = 50 m.

Construction costs: Euro 40 Mil


Radio towers

Date: 1992

Client: ASST (IT)

Detailed Design (on behalf of ELETTROBETON S.P.A.):

  • Monte Eboli (Salerno): Office and equipment rooms 1.600 m3. Steel frame radio bridge tower h = 36 m.
  • Monte Stella (Salerno): Office and equipment rooms: 1.700 m3. Steel frame radio bridge tower, h = 4 m.
  • Serra del Tuono (Potenza): Office and equipment rooms 1.600 m3. Steel frame radio bridge tower, h = 36 m.
  • Serra Tagliamano (Cosenza): Office and equipment rooms 1.500 m3. Steel frame radio bridge tower h = 36 m.


Laurentina radio-relay antenna (Rome)

Date: 1992

Client: ELETTROBETON SUD S.p.A. (IT) on behalf of ACEA S.p.A. (IT)

Detailed Design of the structures and plants of the radio relay antenna, HV-MV substation in Rome Laurentina.

Construction costs: Euro 29 Mil


Imola Multi functional Centre

Date: 1991

Client: Imola Municipality

Feasibility study for multifunctional market with flower stands.

Construction costs: Euro 7 Mil


Telecommunication complexes

Date: 1990

Client: Elettrobeton (IT) on behalf of ASST (IT)

4 Telecommunications complexes with 6.000 m3 offices and equipment rooms and steel frame radio relay antenna 36-41 m high.

Construction costs: Euro 10 Mil


Sanremo Flower Market 

Date: 1990

Client:Società Mercato Fiori

Study of general handling and logistics system

Construction costs: Euro 4 Mil


Bologna fruit and vegetable market

Date: 1990-1992

Client: A.S.A.M.

Study of logistics for expansion and restructuring of transport and handling areas with new vehicle entry facility; developement of final design.

Construction costs: Euro 3 Mil


Saline of Massawa

Date: 1990

Client : N.C.C. (ET) (fund. African Development Bank)

Detailed Design of the refurbishment and upgrading of the saline; new warehouses, parkings, plants.

Construction costs: 21 Mil Euro


Parking Isola del Tronchetto (Venice)

Date: 1989 – 1995

Client: SVIT S.p.a. (IT)

Technical Assistance and Works Supervision of the parking “Isola del Tronchetto” and ancillary infrastructures (280.000 m3 constructions).

Construction costs: Euro 192 Mil


Piombino Fish Market

Date: 1989-1990

Client: Piombino Municipality

Feasibility study and Preliminary design.

Construction costs: Euro 2 Mil

Cabo Verde

Saline of Majo Island

Date: 1989

Client: Ministry of Natural Resources (fund. African Development Bank)

Detailed Design and Tender documents for the salina plant in Mayo Island.

Construction costs: 28 Mil US$


Bracciano 2 (Rome)

Date: 1988 – 1991

Client: Laurenzano Costruzioni S.p.A. (IT)

Preliminary and Detailed Design, EIA, Supervision of Works of urbanization project “Bracciano 2” (320.000 m3 constructions over 25 Ha).

Construction costs: Euro 28 Mil (only primary and secondary infrastructures)


Radio relay complex Montalbano (Bologna)

Date: 1988

Client: Elettrobeton (IT) per ASST (IT)

Integration of final design and complete structural design, radio relay complex at Montalbano, Bologna. Buildings 2.710 m3.

Construction costs: Euro 2 Mil


Saline of S.Pietro Island

Date: 1987

Client: SAL.SAR.

Detailed Design of the planting of salina of San Pietro Island.


Research Centre for the Sciences and Coastal Technologies of Maratea (Potenza)

Date: 1987

Client: Agenzia per il Mezzogiorno (IT)

Feasibility Study of the new research complex.


Radio complex Verona S.Michele

Date: 1987 -1992

Client: Elettrobeton (IT) on behalf of ASST (IT)

Detailed Design of structures; offices and internal spaces (241.000 m3); radio relay antenna (148.60 m height).

Construction costs: Euro 30 Mil


Rehabilitation of Cankiri hospital


Client: Ministry of Health (TR) (fund. Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

Detailed Design of the refurbishment works of the hospital (new complex 200 beds).

Construction costs: Euro 4,3 Mil


Cankiri municipality slaughterhouse

Date: 1986

Client: Cankiri Governorate (TR) (fund. Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

Detailed Design and tender documents of the sloughterhouse, including wastewater treatment plant.

Construction costs: Euro 5 Mil


Istituto Assicurazioni Mogliano (Verona)

Date: 1985 – 1990

Client: Assicurazioni Generali (IT)

Works supervision of building centre for research, studies and congresses (20.000 m3).


Sugar factory of Analaiva

Date: 1985

Client: Ministry of Agriculture (RM) (fund. African Development Bank)

Feasibility Study of the sugar plant within the Hydroagricultural Development of Tucar Province.

Construction costs: 17 Mil Euro


Kirenowa Polder Village

Date: 1985

Client: Chad Basin Development Authority (WAN)

(fund. Nigerian Ministry of Natural Resources)

Detailed Design of Kirenowa Polder village (4.500 inhab.) including all necessary infrastructures, church, warehouse, fire fighting station, guesthouse, houses.

Construction costs: Euro 24 Mil


Baga Polder Village

Date: 1984

Client: Chad Basin Development Authority (WAN) (fund. Nigerian Ministry of Natural Resources)

Detailed Design of agricultural village (4.000 inhab.), including all necessary infrastructures, church, warehouse, fire fighting station, guesthouse, houses.

Construction costs: 58 Mil Euro